23 اسفند 1403

مرکز بهره‌برداری‌ از ‌دانش‌ سلامت

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

لیست اخبار صفحه :1
Empowering Researchers and Knowledgeproducing Organizations for Evidence-informed Health Policy Making: Interventions in the Iranian Health System

Empowering Researchers and Knowledgeproducing Organizations for Evidence-informed Health Policy Making: Interventions in the Iranian Health System

Providing appropriate information to policymakers by strengthening evidence-based capacity is a key factor in the development of evidence-based policy making (EIPM). This study aims to examine the necessary interventions in the Iranian health system for empowering researchers and knowledge-producing organizations to strengthen EIPM.

Systematic review and policy dialogue to determine challenges in evidence‑informed health policy‑making: findings of the SASHA study

Systematic review and policy dialogue to determine challenges in evidence‑informed health policy‑making: findings of the SASHA study

Various interventions have been undertaken in Iran to promote evidence-informed health policy-making (EIHP). Identifying the challenges in EIHP is the first step toward strengthening EIHP in each country through the design of tailored interventions. Therefore, the current study was conducted to synthesize the results of earlier studies and to finalize the list of barriers to EIHP in Iran.

Developing Framework and Strategies for Capacity Building to Apply Evidence-Informed Health Policy-Making in Iran: Mixed Methods Study of SAHSHA Project

Developing Framework and Strategies for Capacity Building to Apply Evidence-Informed Health Policy-Making in Iran: Mixed Methods Study of SAHSHA Project

SASHA, which stands for “evidence-informed health policy-making (EIHP)” in Persian, is a national project to draw a roadmap for strengthening EIHP in Iran. As a part of SASHA, this research aimed to develop evidence-based and context-aware policy options for increasing the capacity of decision-makers to apply EIHP in Iran.

Policy options for strengthening evidence‑informed health policy‑making in Iran: overall SASHA project findings

Policy options for strengthening evidence‑informed health policy‑making in Iran: overall SASHA project findings

The institutionalization of evidence-informed health policy-making (EIHP) is complex and complicated. It is complex because it has many players and is complicated because its institutionalization will require many changes that will be challenging to make. Like many other issues, strengthening EIHP needs a road map, which should consider challenges and address them through effective, harmonized and contextualized strategies. This study aims to develop a road map for enhancing EIHP in Iran based on steps of planning.

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