Empowering Researchers and Knowledgeproducing Organizations for Evidence-informed Health Policy Making: Interventions in the Iranian Health System
Providing appropriate information to policymakers by strengthening evidence-based capacity is a key factor in the development of evidence-based policy making (EIPM). This study aims to examine the necessary interventions in the Iranian health system for empowering researchers and knowledge-producing organizations to strengthen EIPM.

Background: Providing appropriate information to policymakers by strengthening evidence-based
capacity is a key factor in the development of evidence-based policy making (EIPM). This study aims to
examine the necessary interventions in the Iranian health system for empowering researchers and
knowledge-producing organizations to strengthen EIPM.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using interviews and document review. The views and
experiences of enterviewees were extracted through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was
used and continued until data saturation. Thematic framework analysis and MAXQDA 12 software were
used for data analysis.
Results: Necessary interventions for empowering researchers and knowledge-producing organizations
were categorized into health system interventions, community-based interventions, organization
interventions, and individual interventions.
Conclusion: Incompatibility of health policy decisions with scienti����c evidence derived from research
highlights the importance of creating a common language among health policymakers and researchers.
In this regard, developing scienti����c and practical interventions, educating health researchers on
knowledge translation, and using mechanisms and networks for effective interaction will be constructive.
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